Are you ready for...?

A renewed

zest for life


younger & full of energy

Taking control of

your physical & emotional health


clarity day to day

1-2-1 coaching

Providing tailored one to one coaching using the framework below.


Become part of the Let’s Grow Young family to help you crack the longevity code.


An insight into my training with Harvard Medical School, Jay Shetty and my learnings from the world of biohacking.

About Sanj Pathak

As just a regular Dad, I am in pursuit of a life of energy and clarity without age being a barrier, in fact, I am determined to break any misconceptions about what can and cannot be achieved the older you get.

After spending the first 47 years of my life “ticking all the boxes” and establishing a highly successful banking career which took me all over the world, life served me a rude emotional awakening which served as the trigger to fundamentally changed my approach to life and to get off the ‘hedonic treadmill’ in pursuit of a life with clearer values and purpose. 

Having always been in good physical shape, the awakening taught me that physical health is just a small part of overall picture….I was DONE, it was time to RECODE myself and  tackle my mind and reestablish what really matters to him and throw everything else out and found the ability to maintain an inner stillness whilst remaining dynamically active in a fast-paced world.


My framework is based on:

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Rather than just recite what  is written in books, Sanj is recognised and qualified with Jay Shetty and Harvard Medical School through hundreds of hours of study, research, examinations and supervised coaching. I am also the host of my very own podcast “Let’s Grow Young” where I “take on” the world of biohacking to demystify this topic.

With a chronological age of 47 but a biological age in his early 30’s (and falling), Sanj believes he has cracked the DNA code to always lead a youthful life and is here to serve you to achieve the same!

My Clients Say It Best

Jigar A Shah
Jigar A Shah
I have been acquainted to Sanjeev through our common work place and from day one Sanjeev had a lot of empathy which made us good friend. I feel happy and honoured to write and express that Sanjeev through life's up and downs have found a way of living it to fullest but more importantly he is making active difference to many people, friends and families which is very touching. I had my challenges, Sanjeev reached out, we had one meeting and just one meeting gave me perspectives which straight away made the difference. Sometimes when we are down we need someone to not just listen but show the light and walk with us and Sanjeev does it effortlessly. Good luck mate and wishing you best from bottom of my heart. More power to you and love to family.
I know Sanj from number of years and he helped me to navigate many life challenges professionally and personally. His life coaching sessions are very structured and gave me lot of positive energy to focus on things important in my life. He has motivated and coached me to be on track in my toughest time in the life. I would absolutely recommend Sanj and wish him all the best. Digant Dave
Mohammed Rahman
Mohammed Rahman
I thought it would be helpful to write a second review now that I am 6 weeks into my coaching plan. The structure and plan that Sanj helped me to develop has continued to prove to be highly effective. My focus has remained on both health and business. It was really motivating to do a monthly review of how I am tracking against my goals and see the progress that I have made. As Sanj predicted there has also been a positive ripple effect in all other aspects of my life. I also wanted to call out the work we did on habit and behaviours which reaped its rewards this week. We talked through the negative behaviours (relating to snacking and junk food) that I have historically demonstrated when I hit a setback or really stressful time. This scenario presented itself this week and I am really proud with how I dealt with it. I stayed on track with my healthy habits and flexed my routines around the situation. Thank you Sanj for equipping me with the tools!
Daniel Gooch
Daniel Gooch
Sanj is an immediately engaging and empathetic man. His highly successful career and tenacity with everything he does, carries a real sense of gravitas with everything he says. Having known Sanj only a relatively short time, I have been hugely grateful for all the advice, guidance and motivation he has given. I come away from every interaction I have with him energised and would highly recommend him.
Isabella Lloyd
Isabella Lloyd
Best life-coaching experience I’ve had
Halil Ortas
Halil Ortas
I have had some major life changing events over the last couple of years which began to take a toll on my day to day life. I was lost an unsure what steps to take and whether it should have personal or professional developments to help myself. Throughout the coaching sessions with Sanj, I reevaluated my life in a structural way and was able to clearly see what I wanted to achieve. Sanj’s exercises helped me to turn around my life and manage what was going on in my life. I would really recommend Sanj, he has helped me so much
Rahul Sanyal
Rahul Sanyal
I have had some major life changing events over the last couple of years which began to take a toll and I was getting tired. I was not clear on what my next steps should be personally and professionally. I was looking for greater satisfaction, but needed a change of perspective, for which decluttering my mind was essential. Through the life coaching session with Sanjeev, I was forced to evaluate my life in a structured manner, score myself, decide on what I want from life, and start working on actions. This exercise helped me to declutter my mind as I mentioned before, and so I am thankful to Sanjeev for helping me to get to this point. I wish him all the very best, and hope you (reading this) sign up to Sanjeev’s course.
Kirpal Rehinsi
Kirpal Rehinsi
When I took on Sanj as my coach I took it on with a degree of trepidation. I’m not one to open up but I was at a cross roads in my life and felt I needed something else to help me through. I needed support with both my business and personal affairs and felt pretty directionless. He helped me to work out what is really important to me and coached me into significantly upping my salary within a few months and most importantly finding the balance to ensure I give my wife and 2 young kids the time I both crave and they deserve. What I loved about the sessions was that he recognised I’m a natural skeptic - he allowed me to work out my own path and helped me to lay the foundations for success… he really focussed my energy in the right direction. For the first time in a couple of decades I feel contented, enthusiastic and full of energy. I’m really indebted to him - can’t recommend him enough.
Mohammed Rahman
Mohammed Rahman
A couple of major life events and a milestone birthday prompted me to think about what I want to achieve in my next decade; particularly with health and business. Whilst I had a rough plan in my mind, I could see how additional coaching would accelerate the process and drive success. I was also keen to work with a Jay Shetty accredited coach as I am a big fan of his content. I took the plunge of investing in Sanj's coaching and the benefits were immediate. He took time to understand me as an individual, my priorities, values and goals. He quickly identified some quick wins in terms of how I use my time and energy; this instantly reaped rewards and boosted my productivity. We then worked through a comprehensive program of goal setting for all aspects of my life prioritising health and business. The process of having a clear path of actionable steps to achieve each goal was very effective with the focus on understanding behaviours and habits a game changer. I have really enjoyed the coaching process and would absolutely recommend Sanj. He has a wealth of life and business experience and understands the challenges that life brings. Whilst always empathetic he also questions and challenges like all good coaches!

As Featured in Global Media - Let’s Grow Young

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